hello! haven't had fun in a long time! today was tiring but funnnn(:

i'm finally high-er today! which hasn't happened since don't know when(:

you know my hamster is so fat now. SO FAT grah my dad was gna kill him today by playing "roller coaster" with him. AH MY CUTE HAMSTER (OR RATHER FAT HAMSTER.)

AND I LOVE DAVIDDDD (the cute one on american idol!)


(and hi yingyannnnn tablemate i know you love sitting with me!!! hahaha how you find my blogggggg. and you know what. hello lanabel, ziyan, szemin, mel and sunran! thanks i love you all(: omg im too lazy to reply HAHA i got reply on your blogs. i think. haha)


Hi everyone. my day was really good. really. and i love everyone.

:Dwhy's the school so horrible? everything they do is for their face, their reputation, do they even care about our feelings. and when they say "hmmm give you a choice" its more like "hey you better choose what i want or you die" (otherwise known as forcing). i remember when i was in sec2 i was gna represent the sch in a competition and needed the school stamp and guess what they didnt want to stamp for me still
(:ask me "are you any good" "are you sureeeeee" like shit la whats their problem hello i was gna represent them ok i was helping them argh. when a cca doesn't win something, they will find an excuse to prevent them from trying again (so that they will never lose again). god why do they care about winning so much isn't it the process and the effort we put in that counts. and plus they think whole day give us work think very fun is it. i bet you other schools dont get as much work as we do.
;D ny really sucks, i wonder if hc will be like that too then it'll be really horrid. oh besides that totally explains why we have no school spirit? yea yea cheering would so help man. oh btw cheering is only because in the atmosphere you will cheer, really. everytime i "cheer" for the school, it's because i'm in it. HAHA
<3<3<3besides, my social life really sucks now. well not really but i feel like that. i don't like the way you are treating me. although i totally know you are 100% unaware of that and not that you care
and whats with all the freaking SIAs and workload that have piles so huge i can't count how many there are in the pile #$$%&!@#!@ go and die die die i hate school (and itself duh)
btw, if you saw all that you're really smart. or that you have a habit of highlighting. like me. haha
bye everyone! yogurt drink;D



omg i am so freaking emo i don't know why so horrible i feel like i want to die-.- i hate being emo gahhhhhhh really sucks i feel like, i have no social life i mean it's like im like hardly caring about any social life anymore and yet i feel so alone and gosh what's happening to me im in bad mood all the time, my parent's kill my mood even more everyday, i get pissed at everything and im so sick and tired of life it's like a whole big horrid cycle everyday, you wake up early go to school so tired and dying and go home and by the time you get to start work it's 9pm and you study and study and study feeling depressed and stressed that you cant do your work ESP MATH and then you sleep so freaking late and you go to school and die in school again, feel so miserable everyday, no happiness at all it's all so torturous omg argh so miserable

and actually, i guess im not even trying in social aspects anymore because everytime i try, it would make the person hate me, like it did in the case of him and her, so im so sick and tired of it i dont want to waste any more effort also im so tired whats the point when you try so hard and get negative results
plus no one actually cares anyway. everyone hates me


hello everyone i know my blog is super dead. but somehow i just dont feel like doing other stuff other than stoning, or something productive and will make me feel sense of accomplishment. haha(:

so i shall just update for the sake of updating, or when i have something nice to blog about (or feel like blogging hahah)

anyway i have moved house, which is not really a good thing. however there's a cafe downstairs so when im damn hungry and there's like NO FOOD AT ALL (like when i come home from school most of the time) i can buy food from downstairs if i want to(: haha but i dont really like the bus stop now. last time i go sch cross road to bus stop now have to take overhead bridge hahaha ok i know doesnt seem like much of a diff BUT i am normally extremely sleepy in the morning.....rushing for buses by crossing bridges isnt really helpful...... (not that i always have to rush, but sometimes the kind of feeling you get in the morning being scared to miss the only bus.....)

why am i using so many dots! haha omg stupid i think i sound really zzzz in this post but then again i AM feeling zzzz hahaha

i joined a math tuition last monday and it's actually my brother's tuition centre so his class asked him "hey shaun your stead ah" ok so sad i look like a sec2-.- "ya im his stead yup(:" and i think they believed me omg so stupid hahahha

you know i don't feel like writing anymore. i shall upload a nice random photo and bye(:


exhenryparker, ny string ensemble, cello, 40508

since i'm sixteen, here's sixteen things about me!

one i love pink, and you may think i'm a bimbo but i'm not.
two but actually i think i'm kinda stupid.
three i love my brother (except sometimes)
four i love sarah even more<3
five i actually appreciate having a cousin who grew up with me more than i appear to(:
six i have this great love for glitter(blingbling) stuff.
seven i figureskate. i learn figure skating.
eight i know nobody believes me cause' i don't look like the figureskater-type, haha.
nine actually i suck at it. i suck at all sports.
ten i'm not great at music either):
eleven but i do love music, alot. esp cello.
twelve i may seem a happy person in real life but i'm not really.
thirteen i have a dog and i absolutely love him to bits. my hamster too.
fourteen my hamster's name is sparkle and i love his name cause' it reminds me of glitter.
fifteen i actually don't like alot of things that i don't tell people.
sixteen i'm a great fan of jay chou:D and beethoven. haha!



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